5 Fast Writing Tips From A Pro (Crastinating) Copywriter

FAst Writing Tips

Here’s something most writers won’t admit.

Writing is NOT easy.  Especially the NON FUN writing tasks we need to do every day.

Now, I LOVE writing.  But sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done.

In fact, at times it can be downright PAINFUL just to get started.

Often I have to use every ounce of my willpower to get things done like writing this blog article you’re reading right now. But writers write, and promoting my business is a MUST in this day and age. 

That’s why I had to figure out faster ways to get my writing done.

That’s why I’ve compiled this list of 5 fast writing tips for both of us to refer to whenever we’ve got a writing job to get done quickly.

Tip #1 –  Start With The End In Mind

Before you start writing decide on what the goal of your writing is and then work backward to accomplish it.

Now, this might seem simple but I must admit when I started my copywriting business that I would start a project with no real idea of where I was headed. 

At times it CAN be freeing to just write and let things flooooooow, but more often than not if you don’t have a plan you’ll never finish what you started.


Tip #2 – Create A Set Of Templates To Help Structure Your Writing

Yeah, this might seem like cheating but it’s really not.

There’s nothing wrong with analyzing what works best for your unique writing style and then systemizing a structure to follow. 

Here’s an example…

In this article, I am following a template I created for writing (you guessed it) listicles or list-based articles. 

Step One – Subject Line With X Amount Of Tips and a Benefit.

Step Two – Introduction which states a pain point and lets you know this article will give you a solution.

Step Three – The actual list of tips with each written as a sub-headline and an explanation of the individual tip.

Step Four – A conclusion with a summary of what was taught and how you should use the information yourself.

Step Five –  A bio section with what you would like your reader to do now.

Tip #3 –  Write Your First Draft With Unbridled Abandon 

Now, this might seem like a contradiction with what I said in my first two tips…

… but even when having the end in mind and using a structure to write from, there is NOTHING wrong with throwing caution to the wind and giving yourself the freedom to just WRITE, WRITE, WRITE.

What do I mean exactly?  When you are writing your first draft stop overthinking and fight the urge to edit while you write. 

Come up with your theme, decide what the end goal is, and then start writing whatever pops into your head.

Even if you have to throw in a bunch of what I call “placeholder” words like blah blah blah whenever you lack a fact or just have a brain fart,  just make yourself keep writing.

Later you can go back and edit as much as you want, but make getting that first draft done your priority!!!


Tip #4 – Write During Your Personal Peak Productivity Time 

I’ll be the first to admit I AM NOT a morning person.  In fact, until I’ve had at least two cups of coffee (often more) I’m not worth much to me or anyone else.  

With this understanding, I’m sure you’re not shocked to hear that I don’t do much writing in the first part of the day. 

Honestly, I don’t even begin to get into what I call my peak productivity time until well into the late afternoon with most of my best writing is late at night.

It’s just the way my brain works and I can’t begin to tell you why. I only know what works best for me.

You’ll need to find out what works for you and then don’t let anyone try to “change” you.  It’s not going to happen.

We’re all programmed differently which is one reason I absolutely HATE corporations and what they consider to be normal working hours.

Yeah, being on a set 9 to 5 schedule might work if you’re mindlessly making some sort of widget.

But when you are engaged in any kind of creative endeavor – like writing –  you need to get your work done when you’re brain tells you it’s time.

Tip #5 – Set A Timer To Religiously Write By 

Here’s a FANTASTIC tip I learned from copywriting legend Eugene Schwartz.

It’s actually been repeated by many other writers and marketers as it’s something that is just simply proven to increase your writing power.

Mr. Schwartz revealed his technique for being productive as possible every day in his days as one of the world’s top copywriters and self-help publishers.

He said he would start each day with the goal of sitting at his desk in front of his typewriter (eventually computer) for exactly 33 minutes and 33 seconds.  He had a timer he would start as soon as he sat down. 

Now, he had no other requirements of himself but to sit there for that exact time.

When the timer would go off, he would get up, stretch his legs, and maybe get a cup of coffee or snack.  Bottom line is that he would give his body and most importantly his brain a break.

Then he would repeat the process again over and over.  Ultimately what would happen is that an idea would pop into his head and he’d start writing.

By the end of however long in total, he had allotted for his total writing time he would have a large amount done.  All in these exact 33-minute and 33-second increments.

For whatever reason, this system helped Eugene Schwartz create some of the most effective advertising ever written. 

The same method has been used by countless writers and copywriters since he revealed his secret – including yours truly.



The fast writing tips you’ve just read are only a few of the many ways top writers have adapted to improve not just the speed but also the quality of their writing.

In the future, I’ll update this list with more so keep checking back.

Meanwhile, I challenge you to try these tips out for yourself.  You might be AMAZED at how much they help you.


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Direct Response Copywriting

Robert Sean Pascoe is a direct response copywriter and marketing strategist who works with entrepreneurs worldwide to create advertising and marketing campaigns that maximize their profits.

With 16 years of copywriting experience and a lifetime in sales, Robert knows how to use the power of words to sell virtually anything to anyone, especially if the market has been properly defined.

Robert enjoys primarily working with small business owners to sell more of their products and services through the power of direct response advertising and marketing.

He has written sales copy for companies in such diverse niches as Weight Loss Supplements, Skin Care, Male Enhancement, Local Marketing Agencies, Live Event Seminars, Software Developers, Insurance Agencies, Real Estate Brokerages, Marketing Consultants, and many, many more.

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